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Recorder Journal

Here all things money are in black & white. We strip down personal and global finances to their bare essentials with a dash of satire.

If you don’t laugh, you’ll cry.

But it’s not just about our take. We bring you interviews with top fintech experts, revealing the truths behind the numbers and offering real solutions for a fairer, better financial future. For Everyone.

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  • It’s Not Magic, Maybe a Bit of Luck: How Wealthy People Acquire Their Wealth

    Ever wondered how the wealthy amass their fortunes? Well I do. While it might seem like magic or luck, the reality is that most wealthy individuals follow specific principles and strategies to build and maintain their wealth. Let’s dive into the key factors that contribute to their financial success & try to replicate it. Strategic

  • Is debt a prison?

    Have you ever wondered why people make the choices they do? Obviously, our decision-making is impacted by our upbringing, instilled values, weather, cultural preferences, and money. While money is one of the key factors that determine what we do, where we live, what we eat, and how we entertain ourselves, I want to take some

    • 9 Affordable Meals I’ve Been Loving

      Finding easy and affordable meals isn't easy. But here are some of my favourites. The post 9 Affordable Meals I’ve Been Loving appeared first on Mixed Up Money.

    • Review: The Psychology of Money By Morgan Housel

      Money is emotional As the book’s title suggests, “The Psychology of Money” does not take the crunching approach to finance education and instead focuses on a study of what happens between the ears. As Housel so eloquently reminds us, “You’re not a spreadsheet. You’re a person. A screwed up, emotional person.” Instead of giving you a playbook describing The post Review: The Psychology of Money By Morgan Housel appeared first on Mixed Up Money.

    • Why I Trust Vanguard with my Investments

      One of the best aspects of Capitalism is that, over the long run, companies that create the most value and help the most people will profit the most; and the founders of said companies will be handsomely rewarded. There are two exceptions to this: In the short-term, companies can prioritize profits at the expense of

    All Things Finance & Money

    • Dreaming of Lambos

      Envy. (noun) “a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck.”  It turns out this undesirable emotion has evolutionary origins and came about for a pretty good reason. It’s basically a survival mechanism, a way to motivate ourselves. ... The post Dreaming of Lambos appeared first on Accidental Fire.

    • Future Me Loves Me

      I highlighted the Beths in T.G.I.F. Friday Volume 92,  They’re a really cool rock band from New Zealand who have been riding a nice high for the past few years.  I was listening to them on a run recently and... The post Future Me Loves Me appeared first on Accidental Fire.

    • T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 118

      Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #118! Here are some things I really like and that you might too.   Financial Independence/Work Life/Retirement Articles Lessons from Five Years of FIRE (Stop Ironing Shirts) – “April 2024 marks five years since... The post T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 118 appeared first on Accidental Fire.